
Rant from a Writer… Everybody Sell Something! by Jim Lounsbury

There’s that old saying “everybody’s selling something…” and people say it with a Monty Pythonesque tut and a roll of the eyes and its clearly a bad thing – people can’t just be … they have to try and take your hard earned cash.

The Salesman: Supermac1961

The Salesman: Supermac1961

I’m going to counter with a new thought I’ve had lately – one that has disrupted my comfortable thinking significantly– everybody should sell something. And sooner, rather than later. We should be making and spruiking our wares when we are young, when we are shy, when we don’t have any idea what we are doing and even when we don’t need the money – because selling something is hard to do. And doing anything that is hard, particularly hard things that are against our own nature… makes us think, act and behave in new and usually highly discomfiting ways.

I never had a business when I was young. At school I made money cleaning people’s houses, minding their pets and kids, working in a store, working in a factory and even transcribing a Doctor’s Dictaphone tapes. I’ve worked hard. But the most I ever sold, were my skills as a worker and I didn’t even do this very well. I got jobs from friends of my parents, from friends of my friends and from neighbours – I never pitched myself, never even wrote a resume until I was twenty-one. I never did “the hard sell.” It was mostly because I was not drawn to the life of the entrepreneur, I was drawn to the life of the artist. I wrote books in my spare time and I loaned out these hand-written monstrosities to my school friends who would kindly read them and write comments in the back. All for free. They didn’t pay me for my melodramatic fantasy tales and I didn’t ask them to. I didn’t even consider asking them to.

After University I was offered a job. After that I was offered several more. I’ve only interviewed for jobs a couple of times and I got all of them. This is not to say I’m some sort exceptional talent – just that I didn’t really venture from my comfort zone. And what I found out recently – when I published a book and had something I suddenly needed to sell – is that I don’t know how to sell myself. Or my product. And this was unbelievably outside my comfort zone. I kept apologising for my own book, a story I loved and was really proud of, because I didn’t know how to own it, push it out there, tell the world about it.

In January we took a long trip across the United States to visit our family. While we were on the Amtrak - (I recommend this train by the way, the insights I had while this old girl rocked back and forth were inspired) – we had a conversation with our sons about what they wanted to learn. Neither of them love school and so we wanted to help them learn things in new ways – ways that they loved. They wanted to run a business. A business that sold something. Something that was good for the planet (bless them).

Finally, after a little exploring and shopping (shopping in the US is DIFFERENT to shopping in Australia where you can only purchase one thing per paycheck or you will end up in debtors prison… in the US, it's fun) they settled on candles. This seemed okay with me – I could Youtube, Etsy and Wikipedia my way into that field. Then they decided that they wanted to put the candles in recycled beer bottles that were cut in half. They had seen someone do this with wine bottles at a market in North Carolina and thought it would be great for all the bottles they see on the side of the road on the way home from school. This was harder, but again – Youtube – and we eventually had a product. (And some glass on the floor. And some wax.)

But then I was out of my depth. We could sell them at a market maybe? Online maybe? My husband, who runs his own production company, is far less terrified of selling something to people, so he immediately took them to local pub, who loved them and asked us to come back when we had a few more. I managed to sell a few more online to a friend who runs a restaurant. And the kids are busy wrapping some in bubble wrap for the ones we’ve sold online. It invigorates them. It makes them brave and proud and more and more fearless every time they sell one.

And this is where I finally get to my point. We should all be selling something. Especially kids. They should be thinking about products and services and ideas and solutions that they can sell and then talking to people about them – convincing them to believe in their ideas. It would set up writers and artists and filmmakers for a far easy road later on when we have to sell our work. It would make people far more confident in selling themselves in job interviews. And people would be far more comfortable with money – I really believe they would. Less afraid of it.

In my desperation to find out more about this whole idea of selling myself and my work I have been to listen to dynamic speakers (Jaki Arthur from JAMPR for one) and read inspiring books. Lisa Messenger’s Daring and Disruptive was so gently and yet powerfully persuasive that I’ve dared to dream of a couple of new ventures for the future that would normally be a long, long way outside my comfort zone. My brain, which is normally something of a lightning storm anyway, can barely keep up with the new plans. It’s invigorating to run a business, even a tiny one with my sons, and my writing has been enhanced by it. Imagine what it will be like when I get something huge started?

So this is what I am saying… sell something. Anything. Buy something wholesale and sell it at markets. Engage with people, talk to them, convince them to buy what you are selling. It will make you feel more alive than you can imagine. And for us writers and artists and poets and filmmakers… we will begin to see that what we create has that same value and we can sell that with passion as well.

 - rant over… x